Friday, February 20, 2009
Okay, recently. I have been blog surfing(not really)...
And looking at other's blogs..
So...I have read my cousin's blog.
Which is
Weird huh?!
I know...
Well...some of the pics make me feel retarted...
And to think that i love Japanese Girls?!
Well...They are hawt...I cant say no to that...
Isn't she hawt?! I do...She's the one and only
Okay...Stop...I hate Japanese Boys...
They suck..They are like "nerds" but with no
spectacles...Isn't that like..WEIRD?!
Well if there's Japanese, what about Korean?
Here's a hawt picture of Korean Girls...
Then there's Korean Boys...
I pick em!!!
Not you XD
Poppin' Hyun Joon with his hawt-ness
And the
Sexy right?! i though so...
Look..My cousin's is like a Korean too..But he's Chinese..
He was at New Zealand the day he took this Pic.
Okay...Don't wanna talk now.. are some more weird Pictures.
Being funny?!
Is this guy being nerdy or what?!
Hate this newb =P
Okay..Enough...I want to sleep?!
NVM.. Juz let me go...
I'm fallin'
Never Coming back up...
LOLX...Thats For a Joke..Cant you people take a joke?
Knock Knock..
Who's there?
Me who?
Me, i kill you!!
Hehe...Knock knock Jokes..
I took it from Achhhhhmed the Dead Terrorist...
It is an A, C, fleme...
Sorry.. i don't know how you spell fleme or w/e it is?
Anyone knows?
Okay.. i'm done..Finished..Not hosting my Virtual Private Server anymore..
Dropped it...Waste of time.. Look in the bright side, i had 70$ for it...HEHE and its USD not
9:41:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)