Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hey all, i've come back to my blog, sorry i haven't been blogging.

I wanted to but was too busy GAMING.

Look, nice eh?But guess what...My account got hacked ='(
But luckily i created a new account.
It's much cooler!!
Believe it!
OMG..I juz falled from my bike(not actually my bike, it's Dinesh's)..
It hurts...But i had to stand the pain. It was painful..
But after that, we went to Nasi Kandar Nana at Damansara Kim,
Near SMDU.
And we ate some stuff = d.
I ate a piece of Roti Canai only, sadly.
I had no money, Jean Rick "belanja-ed" me.
Hehe, sorry for cacat BM.
I was from chinese school XD.
After eating, Jeanrick bought me a pack of plasters.
And i put it on.
It hurts...
Till next time.
See ya!!
Going to play again.

9:38:00 PM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Still Publishing
Look. I found the BLOGGER's Uploading Picture!!
Anyways. Today.It was weird.
Guess what?
Someone insulted me and cussed me.
DIdn't show he's real name!!

9:42:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" >

9:15:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

We were at SJK(C) Khai Chee at Segamat.
My cousin's OLD school.
It was a celebration of some crap.
I don't bother.
Before that, i want to start how it goes.
Okay...When we waited for my MOM to come and pick us up.
We were..

Walking.WE take steps carefully.Becareful of what boobie trap might come out.

Lets put a smile on that face =D...
It's me when walking out...

Next, when we're in my mom's car.
Look. Its kinda cool.
While we were in the car.
My mom bought PISANG GORENG.
We ate it. It was nice.
But it was because of my ulcer. It won't hurt.
Curse that ulcer of mine XD.

And this was the School PARTY!!!
It was fantastic.Read more!!! XD

An OLD dude came out and went to the stage and
blabber about the SCHOOL.

When we were at the table talking...

I like this photo..
Left to Right:Kye Huann, Jack, ME, Lynnie.

The food was delicious.Specially, the Shark Fin Soup.
I drank 3 bowls of it. With Chilli!!

The disco ball was fantastic.Everybody was singing karaoke on the stage.

A better picture that i posted...

11:23:00 PM
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Had a fun night.
It was fun.
Fun was at night.
Night has problems.
Problems occured on me.
Me had a drink.
Drink is made tasty.
Tasty food is Nice.
Nice people love singing.
Singing is their hobby.
Hooby is something good to keep.
Keep this forever.
Forever is something that will be there.
There is a way.
Way are easy to find if you keep looking.
Looking at the window might cause Diarrhea.
Diarrhea is good for stomach.
Stomach aches comes from eating.
Eating food is delicious.
Delicious is nice.
And we come back all over.
Over again.
Again we meet.
Meet the end.
End of story.

11:10:00 PM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

W00ts guess what?!

PBSM got 4th place...No matter...

And after the march...

I support PBSM4LIFE!!!!!

10:39:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Do this and repost it with the title:
I’ve done — out of the 132 stupid things.

Level 1
() Smoked A Cigarette
() Smoked A Cigar
() Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) Drank Alcohol


Level 2
(X) Been In Love[Always.]
() Been Dumped[Never had a GF. XD]
() Shoplifted[What are ya, Kidding me?!~]
() Been Fired[I've never worked in my life]
(X) Been In A Fist Fight[Those days where people love solving problems with their fists]


Skip on Number .4 Cuz its obscene (censored) 

Level 5
() Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends[Didn't bother to have facebook]
() Been To Paris[What?! Paris is like so French, But i would like to try French Fries over there!]
() Been To Spain[Comosedes? Lampito... Comosedes? Cupito?! OMG I dont know Spanish!]
(X) Been On A Plane[ When i was a boyyyyyyy~!!I think i ride on a PLANE~!!!]
() Thrown Up From Drinking[Drink WHAT?!~ It Depends]


Level 6
(X) Eaten Sushi[Gosh, If you people never eat Sushi, i pity you...]
() Been Snowboarding[What are you, nuts? I havent been to snowy places ya' know]
() Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook/ Gotten to know someone better [Facebook...Spacebook...Who cares?]
() Been in a Mosh Pit [What does this gotta do with me?!]

SO FAR: 5(wow so little)

Level 7
() Been In An Abusive Relationship[Not really]
(X) Taken Pain Killers[I am not sure, Consult my doctor!]
(X) Love/Loved Someone Who You Cant Have[Britney Spears! Nah..JKJK]
(X) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By[Good ol' times...Good ol' times...>.>]
() Made A Snow Angel[Then again, i could make a Sand Angel at the beach...]

SO FAR:  8[It's growing!!!]

Level 8
(X) Had A Tea Party[Why of course...With my dollies*talks with british accent*]
(X) Flown A Kite[Not really flown it, but it did flied, until it dropped... XD]
(X) Built A Sand Castle[Ooh...I made a Sand Paradise with Sand Town and Sand Castle]
() Gone mudding (offroading)[Not really..I'ma CLEAN person, and don't think that]
() Played Dress Up (fancy dress counts)[Dress Up? OMG..Me and my cousin love to play that when we were young...]

SO FAR: 11

Level 9
(X) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves[It gets into my eyes!!! =D]
() Gone Sledding[Sledding was for the Chickens, Riding a tricycle is for the mans...=D]
() Cheated While Playing A Game[Who wouldn't...At this time, i was playing monopoly, then my friend went to toilet.I took my hand out from my pocket and took 3 of the 500$. XP]
(X) Been Lonely[Lonely?!Yea..yea...Who wouldn't?!]
(X) Fallen Asleep At Work / School[It was an ALMOST... It was because of my Sejarah teacher at school..Zaman Logam: blablabla]

SO FAR: 13[wow, i cant count that number either XD]

Level 10
() Watched The Sun Set[Don't really want to]
() Felt An Earthquake[Uhh...Not really...]
() Killed A Snake[Weee. But i didn't..I ain't cruel to animals or any living thing..]

SO FAR:  13[I though that this was uncoutable!!!]

Level 11
(X) Been Tickled[Tickling others was fun, but to me...NO!!]
() Been Robbed / Vandalized[Never YET...I said YET but maybe not]
(X) Been cheated on[Only on games..So that count eh?!]
(X) Been Misunderstood [Many times..Dont ask what or why or when or whateva!!]

SO FAR: 16[Back to maths... =.="]

Level 12
(X) Won A Contest[Ohh yea!! It feels good]
() Been Suspended From School[Nope..Not a chance..buddy]
() Had Detention[Never!!!! You'll never catch me now!!]
() Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident[HEHE!!]

SO FAR: 17

Level 13
() Had / Have Braces[If feels Cool. Like you're in the "teenager section"]
(X) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night[Ais Kacang =P]
(X) Danced in the moonlight[I'd prefer dancing to anyone else than moonlight..She wont appreciate me =P]

SO FAR:  19 [Not a bad number]

Level 14
(X) Hated The Way You Look[When i am very sick...]
() Witnessed A Crime
(X) Pole Danced[Almost can hold the pole and did a vertical handstand]
(X) Questioned Your Heart[Why?!!! WHY?!!!!!! Why must you let me buy the orange flavour and not chocolate?!]
(X) Been obsessed with post-it-notes[YEA..FUNFUNFUN!!!]

SO FAR: 23

Level 15
(X) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud[At the paddy field for "day care's" field trip]
(X) Been Lost[Shopping mall...when i was 5]
() Been To The Opposite Side Of The World[I want to know more about aliens]
(X) Swam In The Ocean[Duh..Who didn't..I did!!At Port Dickson of course.]
(X) Felt Like You Were Dying[THE Really HARSH fever..]

SO FAR: 27

Level 16
(X) Cried Yourself To Sleep[It was fun...]
(X) Played Cops And Robbers[It was in the pool!! Even fun!!!]
(X) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers[I dont like colouring..]
(X) Sang Karaoke[Cuz' Ima LITTLE TOO NOT OVER YOUUUUU...OHHH...]
(X) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins[My Piggy Banks now empty...]

SO FAR: 32

Level 17
(X) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn’t[Did the baby-freeze without me knowing]
(X) Made Prank Phone Calls[Assamualaikum, Sir..This is Kae Syan...Mae I hep juu?!]
(X) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose[Coke did the work...Ouch..XD]
() Kissed In The Rain[I dont wanna get sick again!]

SO FAR:  36

Level 18
() Written A Letter To Santa Claus [ I don't care lol..]
() Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About[They wont care for me D=]
(X) Blown Bubbles[I have a set of GIGANTUALAULTRASUPERBIGLYMONSTROUS Bubble Maker v 2.0]
(X) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere [Its cool..We do it near the forest sometimes when we get bored]

SO FAR: 38[Still growing]

Level 19
() Crashed A Party[I dont like crashing other's party]
() Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People[I like traveling. but not with so many people]
(X) Gone Rollerskating / Blading[Fun FUn FUn!!!]
(X) Had A Wish Come True[ I wished for 5a for UPSR...Came true..PMR, you're next in-line!!]

SO FAR: 40

Level 20
() Worn Pearls[Ain't a girl..Mate]
(X) Jumped Off A Bridge[Playground RULEZ!!!]

(X) Screamed At The Top Of Your Voice[I've BECOME SO NUMB!!!!!]
() Swam With Dolphins[I WISH..]

SO FAR: 42

Level 22
(X) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube =D
() Kissed A Fish[Curiosity KILLED the Cat]
(X) Worn The Opposite Sex’s Clothes[When i was a baby...]
(X) Sat On A Roof Top[The playground's roof!]

SO FAR: 45

Level 23
(X) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel[Not mastered...]
(X) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours[Someone...]
(X) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about[Yea...good times..]

SO FAR: 48

Level 24
() Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree[Just keep thinking]
(X) Climbed A Tree[Half way there!]
() Had/Been In A Tree House[wow...I wish i could]
() Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone[Mommy!!]

SO FAR: 49

Level 25
(X) Believed In Ghosts[Sometimes]
() Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes[I felt the pain!!]
() Gone Streaking[You Wish!!!]
() Visited Jail[Even on MonoPoly, I dont go to Jail..I haxx =D]

SO FAR: 50

Level 26
(X) Played Chicken
(X) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on[WE were supposed to...]
() Been Told You’re Hot By A Complete Stranger[I'm ugly...]
() Broken A Bone
() Been Easily Amused

SO FAR: 52

Level 27
() Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later[ Poor Fishes from the pond..Its not that..not that either...dont think that]
() Caught A Butterfly[I wouldn't harm an insect]
(X) Laughed So Hard You Cried[I WON!!! I WON!!!said Lee Chong Wei.]
(X) Cried So Hard You Laughed[I dont realize it...]

SO FAR: 54

Level 28
(X) Flashed Someone[I killed him with knife.. hehe XD]
(X) Someone Flashed You[He killed me with PSG-1, no fair]
(X) Cheated On A Test[We were passing paper notes to each other]
(X) Forgotten Someone’s Name[Uhh...Ur name is?!]
(X) French Braided Someones Hair[Not hard to do...]
() Gone Skinny Dipping
(X) Tried to hurt yourself [Hardwork pays off by hitting your self]

SO FAR: 60

Level 29
(X) Rode A Roller Coaster[The Cyclone. from Genting Highlands]
() Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling[Wanted to..]
(X) Black-Mailed Someone[You better give me your money or i'll show your embarrasing pictures!!!]
(X) Been Black Mailed[I'll give it to ya! Just please! Dont show it out!!!]

SO FAR: 63

Level 31 This should probably be level 30, no?
(X) Been Used[for colouring the wall]
(X) Fell Going Up The Stairs[Broken Arms and Legs..No harhar JKJK XD]
(X) Licked A Cat[And to think that chicken tasted like Cat..Ewww...]
(X) Bitten Someone[Funny...I bite my friends hand when telling his SECRET]
(X) Licked Someone[The same incident]

SO FAR: 68

Level 32
(X) Been shot at/or at gunpoint[Yea...Many times on Soldier Front]
(X) Flattened someones tires[In GTA San Andreas of course]
(X) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on[It exploded eventually]
(X) Got five dollars or less worth of gas[ i got more then a million..For typing cheats]

SO FAR: 72

TOTAL: 72...[WOW]

You know what..I feel like a very good boy...Hehe JKJK XD XP =P =D

9:37:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Okay, recently. I have been blog surfing(not really)...
And looking at other's blogs..

So...I have read my cousin's blog.
Which is

Weird huh?!

I know...

Well...some of the pics make me feel retarted...

And to think that i love Japanese Girls?!
Well...They are hawt...I cant say no to that...

Isn't she hawt?! I do...She's the one and only


Okay...Stop...I hate Japanese Boys...
They suck..They are like "nerds" but with no 
spectacles...Isn't that like..WEIRD?!

Well if there's Japanese, what about Korean?

Here's a hawt picture of Korean Girls...

Then there's Korean Boys...
I pick em!!!
Not you XD

Poppin' Hyun Joon with his hawt-ness

And the 



Sexy right?! i though so...

Look..My cousin's is like a Korean too..But he's Chinese..

He was at New Zealand the day he took this Pic.

Okay...Don't wanna talk now.. are some more weird Pictures.

Being funny?!

Is this guy being nerdy or what?!

Hate this newb =P


Okay..Enough...I want to sleep?!

NVM.. Juz let me go...
I'm fallin'
Never Coming back up...

LOLX...Thats For a Joke..Cant you people take a joke?

Knock Knock..
Who's there?
Me who?
Me, i kill you!!

Hehe...Knock knock Jokes..
I took it from Achhhhhmed the Dead Terrorist...

It is an A, C, fleme...
Sorry.. i don't know how you spell fleme or w/e it is?
Anyone knows?

Okay.. i'm done..Finished..Not hosting my Virtual Private Server anymore..
Dropped it...Waste of time.. Look in the bright side, i had 70$ for it...HEHE and its USD not

9:41:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hey all, its another day of blogging.

I felt bored and so i did post this...
And yes, this is about going back to meh old school, SRJK(C) Yuk Chai.

I feel excited when i heard it from my friend, Aaran, better known as 
Leong Yu Rong.

Wow...I don't know who would come back to school.

I would like to meet my old friends!! YAY!!

It's going to be good.
Yet, the teachers will be like " You came back again, Kye Xien?"
Then i would be like " Yeah, sure..Duh, to collect my money for UPSR"
Darn...I only had 5As for UPSR and that was nice.
But RM50 for the Idiiot (Me.)

Okay fine...This is stupid, i know its midnight and all, the reason why i missed school
today is because in the morning, I had a real MAJOR headache... It hurts so bad..
My mom was at home doing stuffs for me, how nice.
After that, my Dad came back too =P...
And help me with everything..

Grrrr...i still have a little headache...


Anyways, i'll post sum pictures and what happened at Yuk Chai..
As soon as i go there.

Byee, куєχιєи

10:38:00 PM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is so weird..I can't get in my BLOG!! Its retarted..
And besides, this is my page and i do whateva i want to it
LOL...Its weird, look.
I made it
And now its saying

Blogger not Found

LOol =P

This is a test post so that if i could post it..

12:31:00 PM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Okay guys..I dont like "blogspot" thingy in my blog so..
Here's it...

Its going to

But you can put it as, without the www.

Its much easier, lol

9:28:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Walau....Need to go school for Gotong-royong...But lucky i didn't go only!!!
So darn boring you know... I dont like to Gotong-Royong wan..
I wish school *KABOOM* Nice eh?
Like i said it before...its the most boring thing in the world!!! =.="
See...Pig is sad (>(00)>)
Nice eh? Still got, when pig happy (^(oo)^)..
And when pig cute (>(oo)<)
Cute leh?
Anyways i post this post cuz i got nothing nice to post ma...
Enjoy readin my BLOG


7:17:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hey guys, Whats your Korean name?

I. Surname : Korean surname is the last number in your year of birth . example : I was born in 1996 , the last number is 6 , my surname is Han.
- 0: Park
- 1: Kim
- 2: Shin
- 3: Choi
- 4: Song
- 5: Kang
- 6: Han
- 7: Lee
- 8: Sung
- 9: Jung

II. Middle name : is your month of birth . Example : My month of birth is December , so my middle name is Rae.
- 1: Yong
- 2: Ji
- 3: Je
- 4: Hye
- 5: Dong
- 6: Sang
- 7: Ha
- 8: Hyo
- 9: Soo
- 10: Eun
- 11: Hyun
- 12: Rae

III. Name : is your date of birth . Example : My date of birth is 05, so mine is Kyo
- 1: Hwa
- 2: Woo
- 3: Joon
- 4: Hee
- 5: Kyo
- 6: Kyung
- 7: Wook
- 8: Jin
- 9: Jae
- 10: Hoon
- 11: Ra
- 12: Bin
- 13: Sun
- 14: Ri
- 15: Soo
- 16: Rim
- 17: Ah
- 18: Ae
- 19: Neul
- 20: Mun
- 21: In
- 22: Mi
- 23: Ki
- 24: Sang
- 25: Byung
- 26: Seok
- 27: Gun
- 28: Yoo
- 29: Sup
- 30: Won
- 31: Sub

Mine's totally wierd : Han Rae Kyo.

Have fun!!

by Purple

11:16:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ohh man...Why, Why..WHYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!

School always comes again..Why don't school die(not racist)!!

Oo..Look below, we are the champions!!!

Yea....I feel the pain too =P

Well, I know you guys out there hate school BECAUSE OF THE TEACHERS..
Uhh, not trying to be mean but in fact they are in the TOP 5 Naggers.

NOTE:Before you read this, nothing in here is taking any offence...

Top 5 Naggers
1. Parents 


3.Siblings(quite idiotic)

Even in the holidays...

OKAY, Okay...I got it...Stop making me change TOPIC.
You know that i get distracted easily...

Okay, back to school...
Fine, i wasn't really saying it literally..

If you don't like school because of the homework
they give you, here's some excuses u might wanna use.
I give them FULL credits, none was mine.

  1. I didn't do it because I didn't want to add to MY TEACHER'S already heavy workload.

  2. I made a paper plane out of it and it got hijacked.

  3. I put it in a safe, but lost the combination.

  4. Some aliens from outer space borrowed it so they could study how the human brain worked.

  5. I loaned it to a friend, but he suddenly moved away.

  6. I left it in my shirt and my mother put the shirt for washing.

  7. My little sister ate it.

  8. Could not log on to

  9. A sudden wind blew it out of my hand and I never saw it again.

  10. I was kidnapped by terrorists and they only just let me go, so I didn't have time to do it.

  11. The lights in our house went out, and I had to burn it to get enough light to see the fuse box.

  12. Another pupil fell in a lake, and I jumped in to rescue him but unfortunately my homework drown.

  13. I used it to fill a hole in my shoe, you wouldn't want it now.

  14. My father had a nervous breakdown and he cut it up to make paper dolls.

  15. I didn't do it, because I didn't want the other kids in the class to look bad.

Funny eh??? I though so...Well, i myself personally think its funny..

Other than that both things, i like school..Its because of FRIENDS
They are the people u can talk to, play with, and lots of stuff...
That's why i go to school even though i disliked it..

Here's some pictures.

and talking about that...i want to dedicate this photo to my 1 Dahlia 
friends from SMKDU!!My favourite school!!!

Lol...Okay, now for?
Ohh yea..that reminds me..i have to go to school!!Bye <3

P.S I wrote this before school.
P.P.S I need to go to school now.
P.P.P.S Thank you for reading my BLOG!!!
P.P.P.P.S Please comment or leave a message at the chatbox.

11:49:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Which person are you?Scroll down to see more..
Have you ever been so bored in ur life?
Well, if u do, u should look a little like this...

Okay...Are you a nerd?
Juz say it, i know...
There are many kinds of nerds

and the second one's will be like.

Or even

Well, those people out there...
Better watch out, the nerds are coming back..
Well,i didn't say NINJA...
Oops..Me and my big mouth...hehe


My favourite ninja act...That girl ninja is in pain...

And...Ooh..Looky here!!!Ninja has time too, ya' know..

Stop changing the topics...I like NERDS...and i juz like them
so here's another 1

My friend, Nerdypants.

So, if we talked abt ninjas and nerds, why not gangsta...
They hurt ppl with their toy guns and not guns.. hehe =P


Well what do you know, i love NERD so much, that i found this

A Nerd Gangsta...

And another kind of gangsta, the one that kills without shame or

o.0 why not EMO?! they look cool...
But then again, they are still emo, right?

Well, if there's Emo Boy..There's surely a Emo Girl, eh?

Okay....Enuf small to settle this the Mature-Way
(or should i say the man's way)


Yea!!!I won...

by Purple

10:10:00 PM
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Its Kerr Jern's b'day party!!!
It was a blast...Everybody was there....
Even Kerr Jern's old mates was there.
We came to his at about 7.15pm.I assumed you'll
ask me about who (WE) is, Actually, its me, my bro
and my Father. So, before we went to his house
we went to our neighbour's house for a drink.
It's a suprise that my father didn't wanna take
a can of beer when they offered him.
I'm so Proud...hehe =P
As i was saying, we were at Kerr Jern's Party..
Kye Huann ate 1 whole piece of Waffle because
everyone calls him Waffle-boy...
He's own blog has it
After we ate dinner,
Kerr Jern brought the IP Man disc down
and let us watch...
It was very very nice. i like it as much as u like
ur GF. hehe =P No kidding.
Because we were staying over at Kerr Jern's house,
we wanted to play Kung Fu. But in the end, we
played Computer...hehe
So, This is the end of story,
Kye Xien

10:54:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

This is another picture that i make...

New Moon, i made this because my friend(Emir)
was reading a book..suddenly gave me an idea...

11:13:00 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

This is me doing hand-stand...hehe...Not a pro yet.

It's meh doing Baby Freeze...
Nice eh??
i know... i ain't good at it...

Me..Headstanding :P Comment it...

10:23:00 PM
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// let's put a smile on that face :)

Alternate Joker

welcome to my world.
☼kye xien,

My Dearest


Watch The World Burn

-DSLR(Nikon) :P
-Collection of those cool hats ;)
-New phone :P
-New CPU
That's about all :P

Eerie Sounds

Make A Word

Into the Past

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009


Designer: Shannon
Resources: XX X